Bob’s Burgers introduced the character Little King Trashmouth the raccoon in episode nine of season four. The figure appears in several episodes of the show, as Linda Belcher imagines a fantastical world centered around the raccoons in the back alley of her restaurant. Even though her spouse despises raccoons, Linda is enamored with Little King Trashmouth and Co.’s fantastical kingdom.
Throughout the entire series, Linda is shown to be in love with raccoons, but her fascination with them may put her in danger. Here’s what to know if you come across one as well.
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Are raccoons dangerous?
Raccoons are not much bigger than your typical house cat, yet they can still be hazardous. states that they are robust and stocky, with keen claws and teeth that they frequently use to defend themselves. Raccoons are dangerous not only for their defensive assault technique but also for the diseases they may carry that might harm humans. states that raccoons can transmit roundworm and rabies, which are dangerous to people.
The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management states that raccoons may also be carriers of additional diseases, such as Leptospirosis or Giardiasis
E. Coli Salmonella
In this article, you will learn all about do raccoons attack house cats
What do you do if you’re attacked by a raccoon?
The most important thing to do if you are attacked by a raccoon is to get screened for rabies, advises Being a rabies vector species, raccoons are more prone than other animals to carry and spread the disease. Unless symptoms worsen, rabies does not exhibit symptoms, therefore if you have been attacked, be evaluated as soon as possible.
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In this article, you will learn all about do raccoons attack house cats
Are raccoons dangerous to pets?
Pet owners may face the same risks from raccoons as they do from people. Raccoons will not attack dogs, although they may defend themselves if they are attacked or captured by a dog, according to The Humane Society of America. Additionally, according to the Humane Society, raccoons may feed on kittens and small cats. Rabbits and hens are other potential prey for raccoons.
How to keep raccoons away
Raccoons can be dangerous to people and pets, so you might wish to keep them out of your area. offers nine strategies to deter raccoons from entering your yard.
- Make sure your trash cans are secure.
- Eliminate any potential food sources, including nut and fruit trees, compost piles, bird feeders, pet food bowls, and feeders.
- Keep your produce and fruits safe.
- Prevent access to areas of hiding.
- Get rid of water sources
- Look for grubs on your grass.
- Apply odor-repelling products.
- Install sprinklers or lights that respond to motion.
- Make use of sound pest deterrents.
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Since raccoons are intelligent animals, it’s possible that they observed how cats and dogs moved for some time before attacking them. Since raccoons are omnivores by nature, they can eat leftover food from pets and birds as well as grapes grown in the backyard. They can travel from home to house in quest of food in the parks and gardens. However, when they are unable to find any, they turn on other smaller animals, particularly dogs and kittens. In addition to smaller dogs and cats, raccoons have also been known to prey on birds and even pond fish. They were perfect for hunting trips in places like Russia and North America because of their hunting prowess.
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Why Are Raccoons a Threat to Cats?
Raccoons are nocturnal animals, much like cats, which means that they are most active at night. A raccoon, on the other hand, must fend for itself, unlike your cat, which means it must search everywhere for food.
Regretfully, they can find their way to your yard or doorstep thanks to their extremely perceptive noses. You might wonder what draws raccoons to your compound. The items in your garbage cans are the most frequent offenders. Pet food is another item that may draw these ring-tailed bandits to your compound.
In this article, you will learn all about do raccoons attack house cats
Size & Skill
Size does matter, though. The requirement for weight divisions in professional combat sports like boxing serves as a solid example of why size matters. Even if the 135-pounder is more skillful, a 200-pounder is probably going to prevail.
In full-fledged combat, a raccoon will almost certainly always prevail over a cat, even if the latter has quicker reflexes. The bandit is just too large for your feline. Thankfully, the likelihood of a raccoon killing a cat in a fight is very low. Typically, a battle lasts only a few seconds before the less motivated party flees.
In this article, you will learn all about do raccoons attack house cats
Final Thoughts
A cat that insists on approaching a raccoon is the sole occasion when it is likely to attack it. They could, however, attack and murder kittens.
Making your complex as unappealing as possible to raccoons is the greatest method to prevent possible fights between your cats and raccoons. How are you able to accomplish that? merely by informing raccoons that your yard is empty of food for them to scavenge. This entails buying garbage cans that are resistant to raccoons in addition to not leaving pet food outside. Additionally, try not to let your cat spend the night outside.
By keeping raccoons out of your yard and making it an unpleasant place to be, you can lessen the likelihood that your cat will run across one and assist in preventing any injuries or illnesses for either side.
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